
Samsung Galaxy Buds 3 and Galaxy Buds 3 Pro review: AirPods clones that actually deliver

It's basically impossible to get around it: Samsung duplicated Apple in more ways than one on its World Buds 3 ($180) and Universe Buds 3 Master ($250). Besides the fact that the actual plans reverberation the third-gen AirPods and AirPods Master, individually, yet Samsung likewise reflected a couple of highlights, as well. The Universe Buds offer Versatile Dynamic Clamor Abrogation (ANC), Versatile EQ and Voice Identify, which simply end up doing likewise as Apple's Versatile Sound and Discussion Mindfulness. Furthermore, very much like Apple does with AirPods and iOS, the best elements here are held for ongoing Samsung gadgets. Assuming you have a more current World telephone, that is the redeeming quality of these mini headphones: They're the true AirPods you've most likely consistently cared about.




World Buds 3

Samsung made a bunch of standard AirPods for the Cosmic system telephone steadfast, directly down to the high level elements and open-type plan.


Strong sound execution

Open fit plan has its advantages

Versatile EQ and Versatile ANC


Battery duration is more limited than certain opponents

The best highlights require a new Samsung gadget

Copycat plan

ANC is fundamentally futile

$180 at Amazon




World Buds 3 Star

The World Buds 3 Star sound perfect and have a few helpful programmed highlights for added comfort in day to day existence regardless of being excessively propelled by an opponent.


Incredible sound quality

Heaps of convenient elements

Comfortable fit

Regular encompassing sound


Battery duration is more limited than certain adversaries

The best elements require a new Samsung gadget

Copycat plan

Edge lights are a trick

$250 at Amazon

World Buds 3 and System Buds 3 Star plan

The Universe Buds 3 are the clearest AirPods copycat of the pair, sharing a striking similarity to the third-age "normal" model that Apple appeared in 2021. The shape and area of the speaker and different parts are nevertheless two instances of the replication in plain view here. Samsung's "edge" plan for the stem offers some variety, however not a ton, and there's a dark choice for more difference. On the System Buds 3 Expert, there's a great deal of likeness to the AirPods Ace. Yet again the rakish idea of the stem and the dark tone are the two greatest differentiators.

Samsung's "cutting edge" stem acknowledges the two swipes to change volume and squeezes for playback and clamor controls. While the sliding activity functions admirably, the squeezing takes some becoming accustomed to. My propensity is to put my forefinger on the level board inverse the posterior where you squeeze, yet that doesn't give sufficient strain to enact the controls. All things being equal, you need to fold your finger over the edge to hold it set up. When you sort out some way to hold them safely, proceeding them is a lot simpler errand.

The case for both System Buds 3 models has a comparable shape to that of the AirPods, yet Samsung's decision to go with an unmistakable top makes some division, and I enjoyed having the option to check whether the buds were inside without opening it. Samsung likewise put the USB-C port and the Bluetooth matching button on the base where Apple puts the last part on the rear of the case.

The Universe Buds 3 Expert versus Apple's AirPods Master.

The Universe Buds 3 Expert versus Apple's AirPods Master. (Billy Steele for Engadget)

Something abnormal about the case is the manner by which the tiny headphones sit in it. At the point when you remove the Universe Buds 3 from your ears, you need to pivot them 180 degrees to place them for the situation. This doesn't seem like an immense burden until you need to do it a couple of times each day. Samsung did this to make the Cutting edge Lights apparent when the Cosmic system Buds 3 Expert are for the situation, which, as far as I might be concerned, doesn't legitimize the disturbance.

Talking about the Cutting edge Lights, we should examine that plan decision. They're totally pointless. As the client, you possibly see them when the System Buds 3 Genius are for the situation. There, they capability as a second pointer that the miniature headphones are in matching mode, which isn't required on the grounds that the case as of now has its own Driven for reason on the front. You can set them to remain on while you're wearing them, or either blur in/out or flicker, however I'm not by and by into causing more to notice my miniature headphones.

The two sets in the Cosmic system Buds 3 series are IP57 appraised so they'll endure sweat-soaked exercises without any issues. Be that as it may, the Ace variant is the better choice for exercises as the ear tip assists keep them set up when dampness comes into with playing. Furthermore, I experienced no distress with either System Buds 3 model while wearing them for a really long time at a time. The two of them stayed agreeable and I never felt like I was getting through a level of torment to keep them in.

Samsung is additionally managing some quality control issues on the Universe Buds 3 Master. It's nothing to do with usefulness, however the organization stopped shipments because of excessively delicate ear tips. This part tends to tear when you eliminate them from the headphones, which is an issue in the event that you want to return to a couple of tips you were utilizing beforehand. Since the Cosmic system Buds 3 don't utilize these, they're not impacted. I've asked Samsung for a report on the ear tip adventure and will refresh this survey when there's more data.

Eminent elements

The two models of the Samsung Universe Buds 3 have a comparable, AirPods-roused oval shape.

Billy Steele for Engadget

Other than plan, Samsung likewise took a page from Apple with regards to highlights on the System Buds 3 series. In the first place, the two models have Versatile EQ and Versatile ANC — two critical apparatuses on AirPods. These highlights continually screen sound and change both the tuning and the commotion crossing out in light of what you experience. They generally run behind the scenes and the possibly time you could see a change is when music or a webcast unexpectedly appears to be somewhat stronger due to the miniature headphones doing their thing.

Samsung went above and beyond on the Cosmic system Buds 3 Master for certain further developed highlights. Versatile Commotion Control consequently changes a blend of ANC and encompassing sound in view of your environmental factors while Voice Identify will bring down the volume and enact straightforwardness mode when you begin talking. As indicated over, these are fundamentally Samsung's interpretation of Apple's Versatile Sound and Discussion Mindfulness highlights, individually. There's likewise an Alarm Recognize that does likewise auto volume decrease and encompassing sound thing when it hears a crisis vehicle.

These work as portrayed, however I would like the volume decrease and enacting encompassing sound to all the while occur. All things considered, the volume brings down and two or after three seconds straightforwardness mode kicks in. In this way, when you begin talking, you could want to talk stronger until you can hear yourself better when the full ability of Voice Distinguish kicks in. Furthermore, I'm glad to report that Voice Distinguish isn't effectively set off by hacking like tantamount elements on other headphones will generally be. The Cosmic system Buds 3 series voice includes likewise oblige basic orders without squeezing any buttons or mumbling a trigger word. You can simply make statements like "play music," "volume up" or "answer call" for fundamental errands. These function admirably once you retain the acknowledged expressions, similar to the way that "stop music" works however not "stop music."

The Cosmic system Buds 3 series likewise makes some Genuine Memories Translator likened to what Google offers on its Pixel Buds. For Samsung's situation, the component can peruse and interpret different dialects. At the point when the instrument is dynamic, you can squeeze and hold the stem and the arrangement with keep on interpretting while somebody is talking. The disadvantage is this entire situation as of now requires a Cosmic system Z Overlap 6 or Flip 6 as those are the main telephones running One UI 6.1.1. Because of this, I couldn't test it as my friend gadget is a S24 Ultra.

World Buds 3 and System Buds 3 Genius sound quality

Samsung's Universe Buds 3 and System Buds 3 Star are both agreeable to wear for a really long time at a time.

Billy Steele for Engadget

The System Buds 3 proposition strong sound execution, essentially because of a lovely measure of low-end tone. The bass tuning here gives a pleasant spine to melodies and stays up with the punchy highs and full mids. All things considered, what the World Buds 3 protest my ears means for generally sound quality. I could improve their overall appeal with a little situating change, yet that is not the way in which they'd lay all alone.

On the off chance that sound quality is your essential concern however, the World Buds 3 Ace is the better choice. Samsung's decision to utilize two-way speakers and double enhancers makes profound sound that is vivid and nitty gritty. You'll get the best presentation from a new Samsung telephone where you can utilize Ultra Superior grade (UHQ) sound and 24-bit HiFi. The higher-goal streaming is likewise accessible on the System Buds 3, yet it's more qualified to the Master model. The two models likewise offer 360 Sound with direct multi-channel support. Nonetheless, I don't believe that specific mode sounds great on one or the other arrangement of mini headphones. The sound is slight and favors high pitch, making it less adjusted, destroying the oomph out of the great bass tone.

At the point when you convey the Cosmic system Buds 3 Ace at their most extreme potential with lossless sound, you get hearty, encompassing sound that matches the absolute best headphones I've tried. I actually favor the tuning of the Sennheiser Force Genuine Remote 4 to these, yet Samsung has truly utilized its muscle here. There's thick bass when a track like Equilibrium and Poise's "Burden To Endure" requests it, yet the reverberation y guitars and vocals slice through neatly. In addition, there's adequate fine detail in the surface of the bass line and the fresh drum sounds.

Dynamic clamor dropping execution

The World Buds 3 have ANC despite the fact that they are open-type headphones that don't totally close your ears. Samsung has done this before on past models I actually don't have the foggiest idea why. The ANC on this model is more similar to slight sound decrease as it scarcely has an effect with any foundation uproar you could experience. I'm speculating Samsung read the reports about Apple carrying ANC to an impending rendition of its "normal" AirPods and felt like it expected to beat Apple to the quip

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